Monday, July 13, 2009

The Big Question - Teens and the Internet

Begining research for our "big question"

For today's class you should have narrowed the "big question" -- Is the Internet a positive or negative influence on Teens, down to a smaller question of interest such as:

Are internet predators really a serious threat to most teens?
Is online learning better than classroom learning?
Does online communication hinder face to face communication skills?
How does internet addiction contribute to teen obesity?

  1. For your question, you should have found two sources which help you to answer your question.
  2. Write (or type out) one train of thought for each source (for a total of two). Do not post your train of thought online.
  3. Write a summary for each source (total of 2).
  4. Write a bibliography entry for each of your sources (total of 2).
  5. Post your summaries and bibliographies  below.


  1. CQ Press Electronic Library. 13 July 2009>.

    This is about cyber socializing. This gives an overview about cyber socializing and what it consists of. It talks about the god and bad things hat cyber socializing can cause. It gives many great statistics about cyber socializing and it gives statistics not only from parents but from teens as well. It also consists of cyber dating: how many people cyber date, and some of the things it can cause. It also talks about blocking cyber socializing sites and an overview about it. It also talks about predators, and it gives some background on that and a few statistics as well. It gives authoritated quotes from two different sides, about the pros and cons about internet for teens. This is perfect source for my essay.

    CQ Press Electronic Library. 13 July 2009>.

    This source is about video games. It gives a background on video games, and how they affect teens. They also provide a lit for the top 10 games at the current time, and they also provide some statistics for us to use. It also gives statistics about the population that lays video games, including gender and what not. It also talks about if gaming helps literacy and such. It also helps prove that gamers are not only isolated to their screen, it shows statistics about the teens who do game that actually have a life outside their screen. It also goes a great length abut if games are addictive or not. This too gives two authoritated quotes from distinguished people about the pros and cons of video games.


  2. Steven Yee...
    Sinclair, Kevin. "Website Hacking Prevention Measures." Free Articles Directory | Submit Articles - Articlesbase, 31 Oct. 2007. Web. 14 July 2009.

    It is now easier to create websites than ever before. Out of convenience, many creators and editors save their data on servers. This allows hackers to do google searches and find hidden pages that are used for editing. With this access, they can implant viruses that can damage and track visitors to the website. To prevent this, sites should be saved locally on your computer or computers you use. You should make an alphanumeric password and physically write it down somewhere safe. By creating hacker-protected sites, there will be less viruses going around.

    "Govt push for mandatory internet filtering." (n.d.). TOPICsearch. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 13 July 2009

    This is a dictation between some reporters and executives discussing internet filtering. The main goal is to prevent child pornography. One of the ways to do that is to use mandatory filtering by the government. But that would be really expensive and make the internet really slow. Also, the filter would have to be really specific to prevent viruses and inappropriate content. This would still take a lot of money and create privacy issues. But they both agree monitoring should be done by parents directly sitting with their child. But deciding what’s good and bad is a grey area.

  3. Conte, C. (1995, October 20). Networking the classroom. CQ Researcher, 5, 921-944. Retrieved July 13, 2009, from CQ Researcher Online,

    This is an article which focuses mainly on the pros of cyber socializing. It is written by a group of teachers who feel that cyber socializing can be a good thing to know. It says that they use social networking to view their students while at home, and also send information to other teachers whenever needed. This article says how these sites can also be used to help students learn while at home.

    Clemmitt, M. (2006, July 28). Cyber socializing. CQ Researcher, 16, 625-648. Retrieved July 13, 2009, from CQ Researcher Online,

    This is a great article which talks about the pros and cons of cyber socializing. It discusses both sides and uses a great list of information to support it. This article covers all points to cuber socializing, including different sites for use, how many people socialize per age group, why people become addicted, why its becoming so popular, and how it affects public socializing abilities. It also used a great amount of statistics to support ideas and put meaning behind its words.


  4. From reading this article it showed me to never ever trust a dating site now matter what. 20% of people lie about themselves online. It gave many examples where women have online relationships and later to find out that who they were dating was not an astronaut, lawyer, spy or doctor but a sexual offender, rapper. These men would pretend to be someone they are truly not. And when it came time to meeting these strange men they would kiss, assault, or rape these innocent women.

    Jun. 16, 2007, ABC News, "Online dating can be dangerous"

    This article provides very good statistics, if you are going to write a paper on online relationships and meeting people online. This article got me thinking: is an online relationship a real relationship? I mean you never get to see the person or hug them ect ect. Isn’t love not just about saying I love you but also about actions. If you love your peers you hug them, and you show it. So on what terms would you consider an online relationship a real one? I have a friend that was going out with some guy, she meet him through a friend who meet him though the internet. But “this friend” would vchat with him without seeing him because he did “not” have a camera, and when we asked to see a picture he could send the same one in his red shirt. I asked this friend what are you doing? How do you know he is not a 50-year-old man? She did not say a word the next thing I told her was that she was making a big mistake and that she was “reaching out to an invisible hand”.

    march 12,2006 , theopenpress, most americans think online dating is dangerous


  5. A fifteen year old ran away from home because he was denied computer use by his parents. 10 people have died in an internet café from blood clotting. More have been sent to hospitals for help combat the new mental disorder known as internet addiction.
    "Online addiction is not a game." Global Issues. 25 Oct. 2008. 13 July 2009

    People as young as fourth grade are addicted to the internet. Children are being tested for internet addiction. That’s really young. In south korea there are currently 167,000 children under the age of 19 that addicted to the internet. Because of Korea’s size, that means that there are even more people that are addicted in the united states.
    "Fourth Graders to Get Internet Addiction Tests." Global Issues. 8 Mar. 2009. 13 July 2009

    http: address is not allowed

  6. "Be Web Aware - Internet Addiction." Be Web Aware - Home. 13 July 2009

    This internet website talks about the different dangers of online socializing and other activities. it also states the various emotional and physical effects of online addiction. i think that this website will help a lot in my up coming paper because it states basic facts and other statistics that will serve as good evidence.Percentage and fractions of the population are surveyed to give exact information on the topic which will serve as a strong back bone for my paper.

    "What is Internet addiction?" Welcome to the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery. 13 July 2009
    In this website the DSM Dr. Kimberly Young has developed eight ways to cure internet addiction. 71% of office workers abuse internet use while working. It also states that children who suffer from internet addiction are most likely to have depression, social problems at school, and have a greater chance of physical illnesses. Obesity is another aspect in physical health to pay attention to.

    (tag is broken, url is not allowed so i took that out)
    ~stephen J

  7. Barber, Jordan. “ Is the Internet Making Us Dumber?” The Bygone Bureau. November 5 2007<>

    Before the creation of the Internet, information was hard to retrieve and dedication was essential to learn things. It took long amounts of time to find books in huge libraries and search for any text supplying needed details. But now having Internet access, it’s so undemanding to obtain what we need. The level of ease is revolutionary, and the abundance of information we find is mind-boggling. The common mindset is “ Who needs actual knowledge when looking it up on the web is effortless?” In this process, we’ve lost our inquisitive spirits. The depth of our knowledge and understanding has overall become shallow. We no have the habit of absorbing information and passing it on without fully grasping it. Easy isn’t necessarily better. The Internet is not the best way of true intellectual stimulation.

    “Is Social Technology Making Us Smarter?” The Blog of Innocence. June 18 2009

    The Internet limits our attention spans, but it also provides ways in which we are becoming brighter thinkers and communicators, and more effective individuals in our societies. One way is through the “blogosphere”. Blogging allows us to evaluate others’ opinions, as we assert our own. More and more people are writing about what they are reading. In the writing culture anyone can post their opinion and discuss it among many other people. The Internet is participating to some extent, “Architecture of Participation”. Another way is the supplying of “Social Intelligence”. Engaging in dialogue with other writers and culture as a whole, builds our worldwide knowledge. Therefore making us less ignorant, globally.

    Be Safe Online, 13 July 2009

    The site has many helpful tips to stay away from cyber bullying, which can happen through email, and other social networking cites. Some threats include repeated e-mails or instant messages, fake profiles of you, posting nasty comments to others, and breaking into other people’s online accounts. If an unknown named email is sent to you its better not to open it. Also if the sender is a known bully or if they have sent unpleasant or annoying messages before, then just delete it. However, if you have been bullied on a social networking site, and then the first thing to do is contact your ISP. They can find out who runs the site and can request that the cyber bully is removed.
    Stop Cyber Bullying, 13 July 2009

    Cyber bullying is when teens send hateful or aggressive messages online. What I like about this site is that it is colorful and it really appeals to teens and explains the information in short. Why be a cyber bully? Kids and teens are often motivated by revenge and anger. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction. Mean girls do it to help remind people of their own social standing. And some think they are righting wrong and standing up for others. The responses and solutions to every cyber-bullying incident differs, there isn’t only one right answer.


  9. "Children and Internet Use: Social, Psychological and Academic Consequences for Low-income Children." Psychological Science Agenda. 12 OCT 2003. 2009 American Psychological Association. 13 Jul 2009

    According to one source, teenagers can average several hours a night to several hours a week. The studies on the effects on academics have so far come out inconclusive. When getting a group of students that were below national average, the surveyors saw an improvement of GPA and reading scores with the addition of internet into the students’ lives. I think that for students below the average, the internet may provide an interesting way to read and a new way for them to learn. As anyone reads any type of literature that is decent in grammar, they can learn and improve reading scores. GPAs can increase in that students can chat online to see whether they got the right answer. From this source, I would agree that the internet can have an effect on a student’s schooling and learning.
    -Matt 2

  10. Rainie, Lee. "Data Memo." The Internet at School . 02 AUG 2005. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 13 Jul 2009

    From one source, I can find that students are using the internet as a source for cheating. The internet is being used by most of the American students for learning. In a survey, about 44% of parents of teenagers thought that if the students don’t use the internet by the time they started school, then the student would be behind their peers. Also 80% of parents say that the internet helps their teen to do better in school. Based on surveys, this source shows that parents feel pretty neutral on the importance of the internet. The internet; therefore, helps students in this age of schooling whether or not the students are learning the right way.
    -Matt 2

  11. West, Peter. "Cyber Bullying Affects One in 10 Students." U.S.News & World Report. 29 June 2009. 14 July 2009

    This article is about the statistics of cyberbullying. The articles says the one in every ten children will be bullied online.
    Then the article talks about the effects of cyberbullying and children. Also researchers found that 8 percent of children received harassing computer pictures or messages, and 6 percent were bullied by cell phone. More boys were cyber bullies and more girls were cyberbullying victims. This just goes to show how common cyberbullying is.

    GENTILE, CARMEN. "Student Fights Record of ‘Cyberbullying’." The New York Times. 7 Feb. 2009. 14 July 2009

    This article is about a story of a girl who was suspended in school for cyberbullying. She posted a rant about how bad her teacher was on Facebook and left in on for a couple of days and then she took it off. A couple of weeks later right before she was going to graduate she was called into the office and told that she was going to be suspended for cyberbullying. She said that this blemish on her record stopped her from getting into her first choice for college and smashed her chances of getting her dream job. This example just goes to show how bad cyberbullying is.
    - Matt1

  12. Coben, Harlan. "The Undercover Parent." The New York Times. 16 Mar 2008.

    This article covered spyware, which allows the parent to view everything the child does on the internet. There are arguments on whether this is an invasion of privacy. I think a method this extreme is sort of an invasion of privacy but something similar to this could be very helpful to a teenager's safety on the internet. No I do not think that parents should have to monitor everything that their children do on the internet. I think that there should be some form of trust if the parents taught their children right and wrong. The online protection I believe in is parental block, which allows freedom but has some boundaries. Internet protection is a very important matter and could eliminate some of the dangers for teens.


    The truth to the matter is that there are advantages and disadvantages to every type of learning environment. It is best to use the advantages that each method offers to their fullest extent. It appears from the initial studies, that a combination of online and classroom learning to convey subject matter to students will be the best teaching method. However, in some instances the inconvenience of maintaining a consistent school schedule prohibits potential students from furthering their education. Learning also highly depends on the individual's motivation to learn. So it still comes down to the effort that the students put into their education that ultimately determines how much they will retain and how beneficial the overall experience was to their future career.

    This articles compares the learning outcomes of an Internet-delivered course to the educational outcomes of the same course delivered in the classroom. The higher level of cognitive learning achieved by the online group was attributed primarily to the self-selected nature of the online students. Also associated with the higher learning outcomes were the instructional design of the online course that applied adult motivation and learning theories.

  14. Cyber Socializing:
    In this article it talks about the way people socialize with others online through Myspace, Facebook, Aim, and such. It talks about the dangers of the social networks, and also the positive outcomes of it.

    Clemmitt, M. (2006, July 28). Cyber socializing. CQ Researcher, 16, 625-648. Retrieved July 13, 2009, from CQ Researcher Online,

    Teens and Cyber Socializing:
    Being online and chatting with friends online is time well spent. They create interactions between each other and communicate better. Although parents think that their children are endangered by the people online, they do not know that kids usually talk to the people they do not normally talk to online. It is found in a research that kids learn more from their peers than from adults.

    (2008, November 24). Teens and cyber-socializing: Time well spent?. New York Times. Received at July 13, 2008.

